Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

DU Meter 5.02 build 3303 Full + Patch

Kumpulan Software Gratis | DU Meter 5.02 build 3303 Full + Patch | DU Meter is an award winning tool created by Hagel Technologies which provides an accurate account of the data which is flowing through your computer's network connection at any given moment.

This readout is presented in both numerical and graphical format, in real time. DU Meter includes extensive logging facility, flexible events system, and more. DU Meter works with virtually all types of network connections: phone modems, DSL, cable modem, LAN, satellite, and more.

DU Meter is the best utility of its type available, and has site licenses in place with Intel, Lucent, Raytheon, JPMorgan Chase, Sierra Wireless, Fourelle Systems, Hilton Central School District (NY), Nortel, Reuters, Texaco, Compaq, Mobilkom AG (Austria) and many other major corporations.

There are many reasons why you might want to monitor your network activity. Watching your data transfer rates can be very enlightening as you download a web page, email, or a software application.

This will give you a much better idea of how long the operation will take. It will also let you know how efficient your Internet connection is. And it can alert you of dangerous or unexpected network activity.

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